Real home owners

Virtual HomeCare Pilot Series: Dishwasher

September 25, 2023

Meet Sarah, a homeowner who had been dealing with a persistent unpleasant odour emanating from her dishwasher with each cycle.

Virtual Homecare Pilot Series

At HomePorter, we are committed to empowering homeowners to make informed decisions by offering unbiased advice from licensed home professionals (‘HomePro’). We understand that every homeowner’s journey is unique, and we aim to be a trusted resource for all their home maintenance challenges. What sets us apart is our virtual accessibility to experienced Home Pros that enable homeowners to obtain the guidance they need, conveniently and efficiently.

We are thrilled to present this new blog series where we document some of the many valuable lessons we are learning alongside homeowners. We share these articles in the hope that they are insightful and useful to others on their homeownership journey.

We encourage you to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving your comments below. (need to be able to capture comments, and manage this exchange once launched)

The Foul-smelling Dishwasher:


Meet Sarah, a homeowner who had been dealing with a persistent unpleasant odour emanating from her dishwasher with each cycle. Troubled by this issue, she turned to HomePorter and enrolled in our Virtual Homecare pilot program to take advantage of our limited-time 30-Minute Complimentary offer. Shortly after enrolling, she was connected to our Home Pro, Alex. Following is her story:

Diagnosing the Problem:

During the virtual consultation, Alex started by asking Sarah a few basic questions regarding her dishwasher usage patterns and filter cleaning habits to orient himself to the problem. Sensing these were not the source of the problem, he then requested that Sarah use her mobile phone to show him the piping beneath her kitchen sink. This visual inspection quickly allowed Alex to identify the root cause of the foul odour: a faulty installation of the dishwasher drain!

Alex discovered a crucial error in the setup of Sarah’s dishwasher drain. The drain had been mistakenly connected to the wrong side of the vapour trap, or ‘P-trap’, beneath her kitchen sink. This incorrect configuration allowed sewer gases to enter the dishwasher, which was likely the source of the unpleasant odour Sarah had been enduring.

With the problem diagnosed, Alex proceeded to explain to Sarah the correct placement of the drain line. To provide visual context to his verbal explanation, he used HomePorter’s App technology to take a photo of the drainpipe in question and mark it up with the virtual pen to clearly identify the current flaw, as well as the appropriate connection point (between the P-trap and the sink). This fulsome explanation resonated with Sarah, leaving her confident in the understanding of the issue.

He went on to assure her that this simple solution would finally eliminate the persistent problem that had been bothering her for so long. Sarah felt relieved and reassured by this newfound knowledge, knowing that her dishwasher would now function properly without any unpleasant odours.

Educating for Prevention:

But the education didn’t stop there. Alex took the opportunity to share another valuable piece of information with Sarah, ensuring she fully grasped the topic at hand. He stressed the significance of maintaining a high loop in the dishwasher drain hose beneath the kitchen sink, also known as an ‘air gap’. This high loop serves as a preventive measure against backflow contamination in the dishwasher, safeguarding against foul odors and promoting overall cleanliness and hygiene. He cautioned that some dishwashers already come with built-in air gaps, so it’s unnecessary to install a second loop. He further explained that checking for the presence of an air gap can be done by either pulling out the dishwasher or referring to the appliance manual.

By arming Sarah with this newfound knowledge, she now felt completely ready to take action and engage in well-informed discussions with either family members skilled in DIY or professional plumbing contractors. This additional information brought her a great sense of relief and heightened determination to address the issue at hand, ensuring a dishwasher that is both hygienic and hassle-free for years to come. With this newfound confidence, Sarah looked forward to hosting kitchen parties once again, knowing she had the expertise to handle any potential challenges with ease.


This virtual consultation success story showcases the power of HomePorter’s Virtual Homecare service in delivering effective education, insights, and advice to common home maintenance problems. Through seamless integration of technology and the expertise of our professionals, we empower homeowners like Sarah to address their concerns conveniently and efficiently, so they can get on to things they truly enjoy doing around her home.

Closing Message from HomePorter

HomePorter understands the significance of having access to licensed experts who possess the required knowledge, skills, and experience to effectively guide homeowners. By facilitating easy access to professionals, we seek to assist homeowners in making optimal decisions as they address their unique home maintenance challenges.

The virtual nature of our consultations eliminates the hassle of scheduling in-person visits, yet allows for a thorough, informed, and efficient communication. You can connect with our experts from the comfort of your own home, saving you time and effort.

For Your Consideration:

To learn more about HomePorter’s Virtual Homecare service or to schedule your own consultation session, we invite you to sign-up on our website.

Exciting Offer: Join our limited-time pilot program and receive a 30-Minute Complimentary Virtual Homecaresession with one of our experienced Home Pros. This is a great opportunity to obtain expert advice and guidance at no cost to you.

Stay tuned for more success stories and innovative solutions brought to you by HomePorter’s commitment to exceptional home services.